Clean dad ski jokes for the lift ride

I’m keeping some of these handy in case you need a pick me up on the lift!

Where does a Polar Bear keep their money?

In a snow bank!

What is brown and sticky? (said with gross inflection)

A stick! (I have also heard ‘tree‘) This one is fun to say on the lift as you are likely surrounded by sticks and branches

What does the abominable snow man need when they have allergies?

A snow blower!

Longer Story about the dog who stumbled into the artic

A dog got lost one day and accidentally started walking north all the way to the artic. She walked and walked until she was surrounded by ice. She was frightened and sat down to figure out how to find her way home.

Just then, a giant polar bear saw the dog. Polar bears had never seen dogs before because they don’t live in the artic. The polar bear thought to itself, “hmmmm, what is that? It might be something good to eat.” And, the polar bear started walking towards the dog to eat her up. The dog needed to think quickly — she has never seen a polar bear before, but knew that she was about to become dinner! The dog saw a pile of seal bones next to it, and said to the Polar Bear, “Yum, that was a tasty white bear for me to eat, and here comes another one just in time for dessert!” The Polar Bear heard this and stopped in its tracks. It was so scared that the bear ran away.

A crow was flying over the snow and heard the dog and polar bear and thought to itself, “if I tell the polar bear what happened, maybe the polar bear will let me share some of its scraps.” So the crow told the polar bear what a dog was, and what the dog had done to trick the bear, and the polar bear said, “hop on my back and let’s go eat up that thing together!”

The crow held on tight as the polar bear lumbered back towards to dog. The dog, seeing this bear/crow coming at her, had to think quickly again. So, she said, “where is that pesky crow — he told me he would bring me another white bear to eat and I don’t see him anywhere!”

I’ll work to add more, but in the meantime, here’s a great resource on the web:

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