Make perfect hot cocoa for your next adventure

Our kids love hot chocolate, so one way we make sure to keep skiing attractive is our lunch-time ritual of hot cocoa. It is the perfect drink to warm everyone up and give a little jolt of energy for the next few runs.

I make at thermos of hot cocoa at home each morning, and bring it with us as a lunchtime treat. You can normally get hot cocoa at the resort, but it will cost you an arm and a leg, and it will not have the secret recipe below.

First things first — get a great ski thermos

This is the classic thermos from Stanley, with enough space for hot cocoa for 4. The cup on top is really helpful for young, sensitive mouths, who often want to add ice or cold water to their cocoa to make it a little cooler.

There are lots of options, but the key thermos elements are: Quality, Cup Lid, Durability, and Old School Style!

Next, get some great cocoa powder

You can make this in bulk by adding 2 parts sugar, 1 part unsweetened cocoa powder, and 2 parts powdered milk. When you are ready to brew your pot of hot cocoa, add 1 Cup of mix for each Cup of boiling water into the thermos and you are all set for creamy, decadent hot cocoa.

If you are running behind, I take 2 packets of Swiss Miss cocoa, throw in a few marshmallows, and add boiling water to the top of the thermos and you are good to go for the day. It will not taste as good as the homemade version, but your kids will still scarf if up!

Finally, enjoy your cocoa at lunch

Your kids will thank you and stay happy longer, which is half the battle in teaching kiddos to ski!

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